Supporting Students impacted by Bushfires
School Resources to support student wellbeing
On the internet there is a myriad of wellbeing supports, advice and curriculum materials for teachers and school leaders to help students affected by the bushfires. Below are links to some of these resources. This is not an exhaustive list but the ‘Be You’ link will connect you to many other resources.
Wellbeing Advice for Educators
Be You (Beyond Blue). Lots of links to wellbeing advice for children and young people impacted by fires:
Emerging Minds (ANU). Educators resource pack: Supporting children after bushfires. Tip sheets and videos on the impact of adverse events are particularly helpful:
Curriculum Resources
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Lesson outlines:
o Early childhood:
o Lower Primary:
o Mid-Upper Primary:
o Secondary:
Red Cross (endorsed by Australian Psychological Society). Recovery lessons based on year groups:
Trauma Sensitive Behaviour Support
From Emerging Minds (ANU). Tip sheet for managing student behaviours using a trauma sensitive approach:
Newsletter Material for Parents
Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. Link on how to talk to your children about bushfires:
Queensland Centre for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health on 'Recovering Together after a Natural Disaster - Fire'. Tip sheet targeted to parents with babies and very young children.
Queensland Health. Story about bushfires for very young children:
The Be You link has many links that could be used for newsletters for parents/carers of older children and youth.